Asylum System > Rejection

What should I do if my apply has been rejected?
If your application for asylum is rejected, you must leave Germany within one month. However, you have two weeks to appeal against the rejection decision before the administrative court. Which court you must contact and the important deadlines can be found on the last page of your decision. Contact a counseling center for refugees to get free advice on this process. Alternatively, you can contact a specialized lawyer.
When your objection does not succeed this will invalidate the residence permit, which was valid during the asylum procedure. Together with the negative asylum decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees you received an expulsion connected to a deportation threat.
If you cannot be deported for legal or practical reasons, in certain circumstances, a tolerance may be granted. A tolerance may have to apply for an indefinite period but it has to be renewed every three to six months. It is constantly checked again whether the reason of tolerance still exists. Reasons for granting a toleration may be for example if there is no valid passport available and the substitute documents are not yet delivered or there is currently no air link in the country of origin. Another reason for a tolerance is if you are not allowed to travel for health reasons, for example, at an imminent birth. You will need a doctor's attest proofing your inability to travel.
In addition, there is a so-called discretionary toleration. This will be granted if temporary personal or humanitarian reasons prevent a deportation. Examples include the forthcoming completion of vocational training or performing an operation, which is not possible in the country of origin. The foreigners’ authority decides this in each individual case. During a toleration you get only basic financial and medical care and you are also not allowed to work.
If a tolerance is not possible you must leave the country immediately and leave in another country either or return to your home country. Please try to obey to the regulations because if the authority fears that you are at risk for not fulfilling the deportation you can be taken temporarily in detention. If you are forcibly returned and did not leave the country voluntarily, you will also receive an endorsement to your travel documents. With that you may not return to the country for five years, even if you have acquired a right of residence for example through marriage.
My application was rejected.
Mein Antrag wurde abgelehnt.
Was my application rejected?
Wurde mein Antrag abgelehnt?
Why was my application rejected?
Warum wurde mein Antrag abgelehnt?
What can I do now?
Was kann ich nun tun?
Who can help me with my application/ with the rejection?
Wer kann mir zu meinem Antrag/ zu der Ablehnung helfen?
Do I have to leave Germany now?
Muss ich Deutschland jetzt verlassen?
How long can I remain?
Wie lange darf ich noch bleiben?
I would like to appeal against my rejection notice.
Ich möchte gegen meinen Ablehnungsbescheid Widerspruch einlegen.
How do I get to an counseling center for refugees?
Wie gelange ich zu einer Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge?
I would like to take free advisory service?
Ich möchte gern kostenlos Beratung in Anspruch nehmen?
I need a lawyer.
Ich benötige einen Rechtsanwalt.
I have no financial funds for a counseling.
Ich habe keine finanziellen Mittel, um Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
I can/can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen.
I speak/ don't speak German.
Ich spreche Deutsch. /Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
I need an interpreter.
Ich benötige einen Dolmetscher.