Emergencies > Medical emergencies

first aid 1882053 - aebopleidingen, CC0
What can I do in case of a medical emergency?
If you need medical help, you can turn to any doctor in your town. In emergencies, you should contact a hospital.
Before visiting a doctor, however, you should consider several things:
- To be able to be treated by a doctor, you need a certificate for treatment of their foreigner’s authority or the social services.
- Treatments from a specialist, such as an ophthalmologist, dentist or dermatologist must be proposed by the GP by a remittance advice and be approved by the authority
- In an emergency, you may also go to the doctor without treatment certificate. However, you must apply for the treatment certificate immediately afterwards and submit to the doctor.
- Without a doctors notice you must pay for the treatment by yourself, which can be very expensive.
After 15 months of stay or if you have a regular work with a social insurance, you will receive a health insurance card. You will need that in order to go to the doctor without treatment certificate. This health insurance card has to be presented when visiting a doctor. It stores important information about you as well as a photo for recognition. The biggest difficulty for doctor visits or in hospitals may represent the language. Doctors usually speak English or German and only very rarely your language. Ask in advance what languages the doctor speaks and bring optionally a translator with you.
The doctor might give you some documents about your treatment and what have to be done for your recovery. You can also get handed transfers to another specialist. Please do not throw away the documents, but keep them in a safe place. If you have to take strong medication it usually has to be prescribed by the doctor. With that recipe you can pick up the medication at a pharmacy. The doctor or pharmacist will tell you how you have to take the medication. Please ask for further instructions, if you are unsure.
I need medical help.
Ich benötige medizinische Hilfe.
My child/ my husband/ my wife needs medical help.
Mein Kind/ Mein Mann/ Meine Frau benötigt medizinische Hilfe.
How do I get to the nearest hospital?
Wie gelange ich zum nächsten Krankenhaus?
Where can I find a doctor?
Wo finde ich einen Allgemeinarzt/ eine Allgemeinärztin?
Where can I find a dentist?
Wo finde ich einen Zahnarzt/ eine Zahnärztin?
Where can I find a gynecologist?
Wo finde ich einen Frauenarzt/ eine Frauenärztin?
Where can I find a pediatrician?
Wo finde ich einen Kinderarzt/ eine Kinderärztin?
Can you please show me the way to the nearest doctor's office?
Können Sie mir bitte den Weg zur nächsten Arztpraxis zeigen?
When do you have consultation hours?
Wann haben Sie Sprechstunde?
I would like to arrange an appointment please.
Ich möchte bitte einen Termin vereinbaren.
Please give me a treatment certificate.
Bitte stellen Sie mir einen Behandlungsschein aus.
I have/ don't have a treatment certificate.
Ich habe einen/ keinen Behandlungsschein.
Please give me a letter of referral.
Bitte stellen Sie mir einen Überweisungsschein aus.
I have/ don't have a letter of referral.
Ich habe einen/ keinen Überweisungsschein.
I would like to apply for a health card please.
Ich möchte bitte eine Gesundheitskarte beantragen.
I have/ don't have a health card
Ich habe eine/ keine Gesundheitskarte.
I need a health insurance certificate
Ich benötige einen Krankenschein.
I have/ don't have a health insurance certificate
Ich habe einen/ keinen Krankenschein.
I have pain. (Showing part of the body)
Ich habe Schmerzen. (Körperstelle zeigen)
bellyache/ headache/ backache
Bauchschmerzen/ Kopfschmerzen/ Rückenschmerzen
runny nose/ cough/ fever
Schnupfen/ Husten/ Fieber
I am in pain since (time period)...
Ich habe seit (Dauer) Schmerzen.
Where can I get medications?
Wo kann ich Medikamente bekommen?
Where is the nearest pharmacy?
Wo befindet sich die nächste Apotheke?
I would like to redeem a prescription.
Ich möchte ein Rezept einlösen.
How should I take this medicine?
Wie muss ich das Medikament einnehmen?
I speak/ don't speak German.
Ich spreche Deutsch./ Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
I need an interpreter.
Ich benötige einen Dolmetscher.